Wallpaper Removal
One of the more time consuming challenges in a home renovation project is wallpaper removal and preparing walls to be painted or wallpapered. It often takes considerably longer than anticipated, and ends up being a much messier job than expected.
At The Paper Puller Inc., we understand this. We also understand that many people don’t have that kind of time on their hands. That is why we do what we do. We specialize in removing wallpaper and preparing walls to be painted or wallpapered. The Paper Pullers can handle any size job and we service both residential and commercial customers.
We provide free estimates for customers in Lincoln.
If you are located 10 miles or more outside the city limits, we must charge mileage for the estimate, but the charges are then applied to the first day of work.
In addition to our services, we have been trained and certified for Lead-Base Paint Safety. This benefits our customers in the safety and health of their family. Started in April 2010, federal law states that any contractor disturbing the paint in a pre-1978 home, school, or child care facility must be certified and follow specific work practices.
For more information on this law and the dangers of Lead-Base Paint contamination, visit www.epa.gov.